Another “partscaster”, this time a “thinline” (a semi-hollow body with an f-hole, very lightweight).
The body is from the same ebay seller who sold me the Gold-o-Caster’s body.
The neck is from G&L – some years ago they’ve been selling parts with huge discount that weren’t considered good enough for their production, that’s one of those. I was completely unfinished and had some carving defects and the wood itself is unusual – the maple’s grain is pretty irregular. $50 I’ve spent on it is still a great deal.
The fretboard wood is ebony, not the prettiest I’ve seen but it’ll darken to almost black when oiled and polished.
The body wood is hollowed out basswood dyed brown with an ash cap dyed green, all is finished in polyester clear coat.

First version is with single coil pickups:

But I soon change my mind and make it into a dual-humbucker. Also the 6-saddle bridge eventually proved itself not very good, the saddles were all unstable and rattled too much. Eventually replaced it with a traditional one with 3 compensated saddles.
The pickups are a Gibson Firebird clone for the neck and a dual-rail for the bridge, both from ebay.
The tuners are of the locking type, “Harley Benton” from Thomann. Nice tuners, very smooth and precise. Maybe a little on the heavy side but still ok.
The hardware is all chrome.
Still with a 6 saddle bridge:

With the new 3-saddle bridge, much more stable